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How to prolong the service life of auto parts
2020-01-17 16:58:51

The production and selection of auto parts can't be sloppy. If the product quality can't be guaranteed, not only the vehicle will be damaged, but also there will be potential safety hazards. The following are familiar auto parts, which are also easy to appear fake products. We must master this.

One is the automobile brake pad. Poor quality products will increase the braking distance and affect the braking effect due to poor heat resistance. With such brake pads, how can the driving safety of vehicles be guaranteed? There are also spark plugs, which are also very important auto parts. If the quality is not good, its thermal conductivity and heat resistance will also be reduced, so it is likely to cause damage to the car engine.

Auto parts

There is another kind of auto parts that can not be ignored, that is, air filter. Long term use of poor devices, there will be a large number of impurities into the car interior, especially for the engine, it will be a fatal impact. Therefore, for users, auto parts must buy regular and qualified products, so that they can rest assured.

As a means of transportation, automobile has been widely used in our life. Sometimes we will pay attention to the performance of automobile, but we should not have a comprehensive understanding of automobile parts. Therefore, how to extend the service life of auto parts, we need to introduce some secrets.

First of all, pay attention to the installation of auto parts. If it is a little unreasonable, it will cause damage to parts. For example, if the cylinder gasket of the auto engine is installed reversely, it will burn the cylinder gasket in advance, and the installation of fan blades of the engine is the same. Secondly, pay attention to the cleaning of parts, especially for the oil filter, hydraulic oil filter, some parts in the filter screen, etc., which should not be too dirty, so as to avoid affecting the use performance.

The cleaning methods for different parts are different. For example, the paper air filter element in the car cannot be cleaned with oil. The leather parts should also avoid oil cleaning to ensure their service life.

Automobile stamping parts are processed by punch. In the whole process, the operation of lathe equipment is very critical. If not properly grasped, it will not only affect the forming quality of stamping parts, but also the equipment may be damaged. The key is that the safety of staff can not be guaranteed. Therefore, the operation requirements of lathe equipment for stamping parts processing will be brought to you soon.

First of all, when the lathe is punching, the operator must take corresponding protective measures; at the same time, the equipment must be checked comprehensively, including the stability of each part, the working condition of the lathe, the installation accuracy of parts, etc. If any problem is found during the inspection, it shall be handled in time to avoid more serious consequences.

In addition, in the manufacturing process of stamping parts, in addition to the need to install active measurement equipment in the lathe, all the work pieces should be stopped for measurement to ensure safety. All of the above mentioned points need attention during processing and are for your safety.

If we carefully observe the automobile stamping parts, we will find that the surface of the products has concave and convex, which affects the quality of the whole workpiece. To improve this situation, we must first find the root cause of the problem, and then formulate relevant solutions. Stamping parts manufacturers have realized the seriousness of this problem, so they have started to improve.