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Precautions in trimming process of automobile sheet metal parts
2022-05-06 17:06:07

With the change of transportation, the rapid development of automobile industry is followed, especially the development of automobile sheet metal trimming technology. In the process of this process operation, we should pay more attention to the cold stamping of thin plate, try to improve the quality of automobile surface plate, improve the manufacturing process of automobile outer plate, use high-tech means to innovate operation, improve the service time of materials, seek new materials, reduce the human and material resources of automobile parts manufacturing enterprises, solve the debris problem in the process of process operation, and improve the quality of parts.

Automobile sheet metal parts

1. Scraps produced in the trimming process of sheet metal parts

There are many problems in the manufacturing process of automobile sheet metal trimming process, such as debris, which will affect the quality of the parts, so we should pay more attention to this problem in the manufacturing process. Debris is produced by a combination of many factors. During the return process after the mold is made, due to the influence of external air flow, the debris from the running in and falling of the manufacturing materials will be brought into the mold, resulting in the phenomenon of unsmooth or concave convex points on the surface of the mold, especially in the manufacturing process of automobile surface plate. If the debris accidentally rolls into the mold, it will cause the unsmooth surface plate, Affecting the image of automobile surface panel will not only affect the quality of automobile parts, but also indirectly affect the sales volume of automobile.

2. How are the debris produced and solved

There are many kinds of debris, among which long pointed needle debris is the most common in the manufacturing process of automobile parts outer plate. There are many reasons for this kind of debris. First, it is mainly due to the different length of sheet metal parts on both sides when trimming. After the first trimming, it is found that the length is different, which is generated in the process of the second trimming. The debris of this shape is generally the same as the length formed during knife handover, and the width is the same as the distance between the cutting edges used in the two processes. The method to solve this kind of problem is mainly to reduce the distance between the two working procedures and fix the trimming length of the sheet metal parts on both sides. Focusing on these two aspects in the process can greatly reduce the generation of long pointed needle debris and improve the manufacturing efficiency of auto parts.

The second reason for the generation of long pointed needle shaped debris is that in the trimming process of automobile sheet metal parts, the lower cutting edge is not completely perpendicular to the plane, and the front and rear of the blade are very different from the normal clearance. The first trimming is not successful, and the second trimming must be carried out, which leads to the excessive generation of needle shaped debris. In order to solve the debris caused by such problems, the knife edge used in the trimming process of automobile sheet metal parts must be regulated to ensure that the knife edge is completely perpendicular to the plane in the process of undercutting, adjust the gap between the front and rear of the knife edge and the normal gap, try to achieve the success of one trimming, reduce the operation steps in the second trimming, and improve the trimming quality of automobile sheet metal parts.